Gender Pay Gap Report 2024 for April 2023
The College is committed to fairness, transparency and inclusion in its employment practices. Employment opportunities are open to all and recruitment and promotion to positions within the College is on the basis of merit alone. Recruitment is carried out in an open and fair way, and adheres to best practice standards within the sector. Robert Gordon’s College does not award bonuses to staff or others associated with the College.
The infographic shows the overall mean and median gender pay gap based on hourly rates of pay as at the snapshot date 4 April 2023. It also sets out the gender pay distribution at Robert Gordon’s College by analysing the workforce pay rates into quartiles. As of the snapshot date, a total of 223 female staff and 100 male staff were considered to be “relevant employees”.
The College remains confident that women and men are paid equally for doing equivalent jobs across the College. Our gender pay gap is almost neutral in terms of women being paid on average (Mean figures) very slightly more than men. We employ more women than men across the College and employ a larger number of female teaching staff, thereby contributing to the significant difference in favour of women in the middle of the pay range (Median figures).
The College is committed to ensuring that pay continues to be based on job role and not the individual, and by actively focussing on pay rates for different roles to ensure parity between comparable roles. In addition, we will be maintaining oversight and clear governance on pay awards for senior staff.
I confirm that the data reported is accurate.
Mr Robin J. A. Macpherson,
Head of College