
The core skills of Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing are at the heart of our Junior School Curriculum and broadly follows the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence. Additional weekly specialist subject teaching is provided in Art, Drama, French, Music, Physical Education and Science embedded into our core curriculum, so a Primary 7 class may be studying Music, Creative Writing and History as part of our approach to interdisciplinary learning. 

Our children learn in state of the art classrooms where communication, teamwork and digital skills are all part of the daily curriculum. Curiosity based learning is encouraged to strengthen confidence and participation to meet the needs of all children. Further support is available with the guidance of our Support for Learning or Enhancement Teacher.

Pupils also participate in a wide variety of sports including athletics, basketball, cricket, dance, fitness, gymnastics, hockey, rugby, swimming, tennis and volleyball.

Junior School attainment in Literacy and Numeracy is outstanding and significantly above the national average with almost all children exceeding national averages.