
Senior School pupils follow a broad and balanced curriculum which ensures that they develop an in-depth understanding, while coordination between subjects enables them to make links between different areas of study.

Each pupil is allocated a Head of Guidance and Form Teacher who together play a vital role in the transition to Secondary 1, and provide support for the duration of the Senior School years. All pupils are divided into a Form Class in one of the four Houses (Blackfriars, Colyhill, Sillerton and Straloch) and remain in this Form Class, with the same Form Teacher, from S1 to S6.

A common course operates in S1 and S2 and pupils benefit from exposure to a broad range of subjects. This broad base of subjects allows for pupils to continue to choose from a wide range of subjects in later stages of education (e.g. S5 and S6). Class sizes are never above 20 pupils, part from higher ability Mathematics sets.

In S1 and S2 the time allocated to subjects varies, with more time devoted to Mathematics and English than to other subjects. Classes in Mathematics work at different rates enabling us to challenge and support pupils learning at different rates. Progression is strong in the early years at the Senior School.

To help pupils build positive relationships with their peers and the staff at an early stage, all S1 pupils participate in a residential trip to Coylumbridge for team building exercises. 

1 in 7 Senior School pupils benefit from our Bursary Programme.

Bursaries are available for pupils entering Secondary 1 and are awarded using a combination of financial need and merit.

Transition to Senior School

The transition from Primary to Secondary is one of the most important steps in a child’s school career. We are proud to welcome children from Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire and around the world to our community.

“The support I’ve had from teachers and staff has really increased my confidence and made me realise my potential. I was very shy before and coming here from my primary school opened a whole new world of opportunities.”

Caitlin, S6 pupil