
S5 is an important year in every pupil’s school career. It is a critical year for academic assessment as achievements in Higher exams will be significant for university entrance requirements and future career aspirations. S5 pupils choose five courses, usually including Higher English, from a range of options.
As a community, we highly value the impact of outdoor and cultural experiences on the personal and social development of our pupils. S5 pupils participate in Projects, a week of out-of-school excursions and activities where pupils choose from a broad range of outdoor and cultural projects which are designed to challenge and broaden the horizons of our young people.
S6 is the culmination of thirteen years of school; it offers additional responsibilities and opportunities, and it acts as a bridge between school life and, for most pupils, the world of study at university. S6 is an invaluable year for developing personal and social skills as well as for adding to academic and intellectual achievements. Classes are smaller in size and through tutorial and seminar work, pupils can experience something of the university style of teaching and learning. S6 pupils can choose a combination of courses from a very wide range of Higher, Advanced Higher, National 5, GCSE, AS Level and enhancement courses.


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Broad Curriculum

Burnett Scholarships are available for pupils entering S5 and S6 from other schools.

S5 choose from 29 Highers.

S6 choose from 25 Advanced Highers and 32 Highers.

Tradition of academic success

Robert Gordon's College operates an open presentation policy. Examination results place us among the top schools in Scotland.

Higher (S5)

93.3% A-C
82.6% A-B
61% A
63 pupils achieved 5 As

Advanced Higher (S6)

91.6% A-C
72.2% A-B 
45.6% A

99% offered first choice university

96% average S6 Leavers go on to Higher and Further Education