Pastoral Care

Robert Gordon’s is a school which is committed to providing first rate pastoral care to all our pupils. We know that success and happiness in adult life depend on a safe, secure and supportive environment when young. Growing up isn’t easy.

Form Teachers provide a point of daily contact for every pupil, and the system is designed so that the Form Teacher remains with a Form Class through their time at school. Specially trained Heads of Guidance offer a comprehensive programme of Personal and Social Education as well as providing individualised pastoral support. We know that all pupils need support from time to time and the Pastoral team is there to know every child individually.
The well resourced and very professional School Medical Centre is supported by a small team of well trained school nurses who work alongside the Counsellor as part of the pastoral team. The School Counsellor works closely with the Guidance team who can make a referral where appropriate. Our highly developed House system (Blackfriars, Collyhill, Sillerton and Straloch) allows pupils to have fun together in less formal settings and the House staff are a key part of the wider pastoral system. Pupils develop a strong sense of belonging through active participation in the many House events.

Robert Gordon’s College is a school community where pupils from all backgrounds flourish in an atmosphere of mutual tolerance and respect, emphasising high standards and concern for others. The pupils trust their teachers and acknowledge and value the support they receive from caring staff. Our aim is to empower pupils to set their own targets in the confidence they will achieve them.

Mr Fish, Deputy Head