Gordonian Hockey Legend Alan Innes honoured by the Gordonian Association

Congratulations are being sent from across the Gordonian community to Alan J. Innes, Class of '62, on his recent award for 50 years of service to the Gordonian Association and 60 years of service to Gordonian Hockey.

Alan joined both Gordonians Hockey Club and the Gordonian Cricket Club when he left school in 1962. He went on to serve as a player for both sections for many years, retiring from hockey in 1984 after playing in 740 games. His proudest moments as a player were during the 9 years in the late '70’s and early '80’s when he captained the Men’s 1st XI including consecutive promotions from National League 3 to National League 2 to National League 1.

He also captained the North District side to win the Baxter Trophy (the inter-district championship) by overcoming a formidable East District side which was full of current international players. He not only captained both the RGC hockey and cricket 1st teams but also the Gordonian hockey and cricket 1st teams.

This unique achievement has been recognised with a gift to Alan at the annual Gordonian Association Dinner in March of a framed collage of all 4 teams presented by Laurence McLeod, Chair of Gordonian Sports Clubs.

Read the full article on the Gordonians Hockey website.