Junior School launch Charity Appeal

At a recent House Assembly, Junior School House Captains launched the 2021/22 charity appeal supporting two local charities. 

Following pupil vote, coordinated by the Pupil Council, it was decided Mrs Murray’s Cat & Dog Home and The ARCHIE Foundation were the charities that the Junior School would support this year.

Mrs Miskelly, vet and board member of Mrs Murray’s, joined the assembly along with Mrs Cormack who represented The ARCHIE Foundation. Mrs Miskelly and Mrs Cormack, shared insights and information about what the charities do and how the fundraising by the pupils will help animals and children in the North-east. The children were delighted to meet Mrs Miskelly’s dog Yogi who made a very good and attentive assembly attendee. 

Mrs Webb, Head of Junior School said: “The children across the Junior School selected our charities. There were many discussions in class. The pupil council, keen to support animals, felt that Mrs Murray's Cat & Dog Home would be a good choice as it is a local organisation. Some Junior School families have rehomed animals and we felt this with a worthy cause.

“The other charity we are supporting this year is the ARCHIE Foundation. Last week in assembly, we heard how many children in Grampian attend the children's hospital every year for a wide variety of reasons. ARCHIE helps make stays better and provides outreach which is benefitting some of our own children and families in the Junior School.”

Also during the assembly, Mrs Rose and Mrs Main shared a short video called ‘Giving is Better’ about why we give to charity which was thoroughly enjoyed by pupils and staff. The video tells the story of Clarence the Fox who learns the importance of giving through a heart warming song and can be viewed below.