Nursery outdoor adventures at Countesswells

This week, the girls and boys enjoyed their first bi-weekly trips to Countesswells as part of their outdoor play. On Thursday morning, we travelled there by bus to begin our new and exciting outdoor adventures. We enjoyed exploring the wooded areas, finding different leaves, cones, bugs and sticks of different sizes. We loved climbing on the ramp and we crawled through the tunnel.  We are very grateful to Grandparent, Mr George Stevenson and his fellow craftsmen for producing the new outdoor play equipment for the children to enjoy. The outdoor play was followed by a yummy snack of hot chocolate.

Our weekly woodwork activities, of sawing and hammering nails into pieces of wood of different sizes and lengths, have begun in earnest. The children worked very carefully, and our mini-carpenters all had the opportunity to use the workbench. Lookout for the different wooden creations to come.

We have been busy developing our fine motor activities by taking the opportunity to carve pumpkins this week. We are looking forward to using the pumpkin seeds for different craft activities in Nursery.

Mrs Kinsey