Projects Week 2023

Last week saw the entire school off timetable for Projects Week: S1 on residential outdoor visits, S2 on a variety of trips and activities, S3 involved with Community Projects, Duke of Edinburgh and Biology Field Work and S5 out on work experience placements, following a week of trips in the UK and abroad. 

Mr Tayler, Head of Outdoor Education said: “2023 saw a return to a normal offering of projects. The whole of S1 set off for a week of adventures at one of four Scottish outdoor centres. All the pupils returned with stories to tell of mountain climbed, lochs swam in/paddled on and new friends made (along with the odd midge bite.) The week was a huge success due to the pupils throwing themselves wholeheartedly into the experience. The energy and enthusiasm were as limitless as the bags of sweets!

“The S2s set off for a range of activities exploring Europe by visiting Naples and Barcelona or discovering York and all the history there, to staying local and training with Aberdeen Football Club to mention but a few. The experiences are wide and varied. All of them supported our core values and enriched the pupils' greater understanding of the world!

“S5 jetted off globally with London, Paris, Florence, Malta and New York on the departure board. Pupils explored the cities and the deep sea. With them being given as much ownership as possible on itineraries and travel options, they really started to gain life long skills of punctuality, budgeting and just figuring out a different country.

“They all returned safely (with a few minor delays) the big question is what and where next?”

S4 pupils were based at school, involved in the Youth Philanthropy Initiative (YPI) which resulted in the charity ‘The Living Well Project’ being awarded a £3000 grant. Well done to pupils Hana, Yassine, Joseph, Carey, Lewys and Elijah for their winning presentation on behalf of the charity.  A new feature of the week this year was a College grant of £250 to the group with the best exhibition; the pupils representing AIMS were successful in securing this on behalf of their charity. All S4 pupils represented the College admirably and many will now take up volunteering roles with their chosen charities. This is the essence of YPI - to make young people aware of the communities around them and to understand what their contribution can be to improve the lives of others.