Maggie’s Aberdeen has been announced as the Senior School Charity Committee’s nominated charity for the year up to June 2024 where pupils will raise awareness and funds for the charity that supports so many across the region.
In June, the College welcomed Maggie’s Culture Crawl event to Schoolhill and throughout the month, Richard Stewart (Class of ‘88), Centre Fundraising Manager, has spent time speaking at Senior School assemblies where he shared more about Maggie’s Aberdeen and how they provide support to anyone affected by a cancer diagnosis with “no fee, no waiting list and no limits.” Richard inspired pupils by sharing his own career path explaining that a person’s values and what makes them satisfied at work can evolve over time. He encouraged pupils to find a career path where they will be “happy at work and with the work they are doing.” A journey he experienced personally and ultimately led him to his current role at Maggie’s Aberdeen where he is able to do work which gives back to the community.
The Senior School Charities Committee has raised awareness and funds for Maggie’s already via the Culture Crawl event and at the Drama Department’s production of SIX, with plenty more on the horizon for the year ahead.
Margaret Wood, Senior School Charities Lead Teacher, shared: We are so pleased to be able to work with Richard this year and support such a worthwhile charity next session. Many of those who attended the school show, SIX will have spotted pupils wearing Maggie's t-shirts while helping with front of house to let people know who we are supporting next year. Our pupils are really looking forward to starting work on various events after the summer.
Richard Stewart (Class of ‘88), Centre Fundraising Manager, said: “As a former pupil I can’t deny for me there is something special about this partnership and to say I am over the moon is an understatement! This is where I got my start in life and I am excited about this chance to work with the school and the year groups to support the important work we do at Maggie’s. Having had the chance to talk to many of the pupils already I am looking forward to doing more of that to help inspire the next generation of fundraisers and to bring alive the values the College is built on.”
The College is delighted to support Maggie's Aberdeen as they celebrate their 10th birthday this year. To date Maggie’s has welcomed over 72,000 visits, delivered over 5,000 1-2-1 psychological support sessions, and secured almost £9,000,000 of benefits for local people, though these numbers don’t do justice to the real difference made to so many lives and families across the region. To celebrate, Maggie’s is hosting a series of wonderful events including their upcoming Gala Dinner on Saturday 9 September 2023. A special night is in store; guests will enjoy a welcome drink, fabulous three course meal, fun and games with wonderful prizes and dancing to the popular 10-piece band Totico late into the night. For more information and to reserve your table email