RGC celebrates Pride Month

Throughout the month of June colourful rainbows brightly shone around the Quad to celebrate and raise awareness of Pride Month.

Building on previous years, the RGC Alliance Group coordinated lunchtime activities and stalls. Some pupils also participated in Pride in Aberdeen ‘23. 

Miss England, Teacher of English, hosted a ‘Celebrating all things Gay in Dorian Gray’ presentation highlighting key points in Irish writer Oscar Wilde's novel. There was also a selection of LGBTQIA+ books available in the Senior School Library.

Bringing colour to the College, we would like to thank the Robert Gordon’s College Parents Association for their continued support. This year, they donated the Pride flag which was proudly displayed above the Auld Hoose and for their donation towards the rainbow shoe laces that RGC Sport promoted and sold. Our Sports Captains were some of the first to wear these during their Sport sessions which soon encouraged some of their younger peers to join in.  

Mrs Jappy and Miss Reid, who run RGC Alliance, shared: “The school community has again been extremely enthusiastic towards the Pride events this year with lots of interest in the break and lunchtime stalls held in the Quad. Pupils enjoyed showing support by wearing rainbow stickers, rainbow face paints and participating in the popular “Guess the Rainbow Sweets”. Improving inclusion and visibility for LGBTQIA+ pupils and their families continues to be a major focus for the RGC Alliance group, one of our members stated: “The school showing support of their queer pupils through the pride events was really reassuring to me!”