The Good Schools Guide review the Gordon’s experience

Choosing the right school is a pivotal decision for families with many looking at independent reviews. 

We were delighted to welcome The Good Schools Guide to Robert Gordon’s College who spoke with pupils, staff and parents about their experience at the College. The independent guide offers families a holistic evaluation of not only academic performance but also pastoral care, co-curricular opportunities, leadership effectiveness, and the quality of facilities and resources to our pupils. 

During the visit, the reviewer toured both Schoolhill and Countesswells, gaining insights into various aspects of daily life at Robert Gordon's. Observing the Nursery in action, it was noted that the Nursery team is “committed to achieving a balance between play and learning through e.g. outdoor learning”. The review praised the success of the Junior School, describing its curriculum as having a “strong ethical leaning.” The review highlighted the breadth of opportunities, subject choice options and fantastic facilities available, noting the College’s commitment to co-curricular activities. This is evident in the high participation in diverse programmes, which provide pupils with numerous opportunities to develop new skills and interests. 

The College was praised for its “progressiveness and inclusivity - and although large, it feels quite intimate. We certainly felt a strong community feel on our visit - our S6 tour guide got more than one hug from younger pupils in the playground.” Parents described the pastoral care as “excellent” to the reviewer, “they are fantastic people with the best interests of children at heart.”

The reviewer summarised: “Historic city-centre school with top academic standards, impressive facilities and progressive leadership. Parents say the school is hugely supportive and also appreciate the choice of subjects and sports to accommodate any interest or ability. Particularly lovely pupils with a strong sense of self.”

Mr Macpherson, Head of College, shared: “Consistent with the themes from our recent HMIe inspection, we are very proud of the excellent practice, inclusive community, breadth of opportunities, and the impact our pupils make in the wider community. The Good Schools Guide is known for it’s very honest and informed reviews, which can be critical, so we were more than satisfied with their high praise for every aspect of the RGC experience. This independent review reaffirms our commitment to providing the very best start for every child.” 

The full Good Schools Guide review is available to read online.