Nothing can really prepare you for S6 at Robert Gordon’s College. The jump from a fifth year student to a sixth year student is one I never imagined being this lively, fun, and motivating. I mean it’s only natural to think that, after five consecutive years at a school, I’d know what to expect for the sixth…right? It couldn’t have been farther from the truth. 

My first five years at Robert Gordon’s were a whirlwind. As I look back, I can see how I’ve grown from a lively S1 who struggled to hold conversations with teachers, to a more mature S5 who, at times, still struggled to hold a friendly conversation with teachers. But within these past few months of S6, I’ve arguably seen more growth in myself than the previous 5 years combined. Why? Was it simply a change in environment? A different title? Or was it Mr Hardie’s riveting T&E [Training and Education] talks on leadership? I think it was a change in perspective - one that I could easily attribute to all of these factors. It was as though I had spent my years, S1 through to S5 on the ground, only seeing MY surroundings, MY friends, and MY problems but in S6, it was like I suddenly had a bird’s eye view of the place, seeing OUR surroundings, OUR friendships and OUR problems.

Since the end of the last school year, the topics of Service and Leadership have been heavily emphasised as key components of the S6 journey. To me, it seemed almost like a means to an end, we behave responsibly and lead our peers and younger students, and we get rewarded for it. But it goes so much deeper than that. To lead is an opportunity unlike any other - to be looked up to and responsible for influencing others’ decisions is a gift, one that, as we transitioned from S5 to S6, was bestowed upon us by the Senior Leadership Team. From the JASPARS programme to being a Classroom Assistant, the opportunities to lead are endless. Through my experiences as an English and Music Classroom Assistant, I’ve had the opportunity to help and interact with students that I may not have ever crossed paths with before (as well as getting to brush up on my RUAE skills and knowledge of orchestral instruments). 

Settling into my role as an S6 at RGC has been truly eye opening. I can now see how much of an impact we have on the school, from the increasing responsibilities bestowed upon us to our interactions with younger students. I’ve often had younger pupils come up to me with questions or ask for help - an experience that was both eye opening and which really solidified in my mind the influence and responsibility we hold as S6 students. 

As a Classroom Assistant, I support teachers throughout the lesson taking on various responsibilities, whether it be marking comprehension questions or working through piano pieces with the students. From this experience, I gained a deeper understanding of certain topics, as I had to be able to explain them to the students. But most importantly, I received the greatest reward of seeing the students' faces light up as they finally understood a question or mastered a piece. 

But the opportunities provided at S6 not only gave me the chance to help those younger than me but also to lead my peers. In my role as Prefect Leader, I’ve been able to rally and encourage my peers as we carry out prefect duties, such as Lunchtime Duty. I’ve also been able to work on my organisation and communication skills, as I have to create and communicate the rota for upcoming duties with the other Prefect Leader in my group, as well as the other pupils.

S6 at Robert Gordon’s College is an experience I would recommend to anybody. It's a taste of the real world in an environment that is both familiar and new, comforting and challenging. It's a collection of different experiences within the same campus that offer us students the chance to be challenged, pushed out of our comfort zones, and to grow. From various Training and Education sessions, we were taught the importance and value of networking and personal branding. This inspired me to attend the Business Breakfasts events where I was given the opportunity to develop and refine my networking and communication skills by practising introductions and my “elevator pitch” with both familiar and new faces. I firmly believe that, after this year, I - as well as many other students - will finish our journey through secondary education and move on to whatever the future has in store for us, with a solid foundation that has equipped us with the skills, traits and experiences to be responsible, compassionate and mature adults who will positively contribute to those around us and to the world as a whole. 


The power of perspective - my transformative S6 experience