Tonight Mr Hay, Head of Computing Science Department, presents at the CSS Meet organised by Computing Science Scotland. 

Bringing together primary and secondary computing science teachers across Scotland, the CSS Meet offers teachers a platform to collaborate and share best practice in teaching. Tonight’s event is the second in the series and takes a focus on remote learning. 

Delivering a 10 minute presentation to 100 peers, Mr Hay will cover his use of the online development platform to enable pupils studying the Higher Computing curriculum to practice their parameter passing and programming skills. 

In addition, Mr Hay will present virtually at the University of Strathclyde to students studying a Professional Graduate Diploma in Education next week. Mr Hay will discuss the expectations of a computing department, the range of courses offered in the field along with highlighting the typical assessment and reporting to expect in normal school practice. 

Those interested in attending tonight's meet can register their place online

Mr Hay to presents to teaching peers at digital teach meet
Mr Hay to presents to teaching peers at digital teach meet