The wider Gordon's community may recognise Alice and Chartlotte as integral members of the RGC Pipe Band, where you will often see them with drumsticks in hand, performing and competing at national events.

Alice (now S5) studied English, Maths, Spanish, Geography, Biology, Chemistry, Graphic Communications and Art at National 5 last session. Speaking about her fourth year and the variety that her studies provided, Alice shared: "I am feeling happy and relieved after receiving my exam results. Throughout the Nat 5 courses I liked the variety of teaching and delivery of lessons in all my subjects at RGC. I hope to do well in the subjects I'm taking further and to develop new skills and knowledge that can support my university application."

Meanwhile, sister Charlotte (now S6) is studying three Advanced Highers to enhance her five Higher qualifications and is starting to think about life beyond school. Before the holidays, she embarked on a work experience placement with a law firm in London and is currently considering a career in law or marketing. Charlotte commented: "I’m really pleased with my results and I was proud to share them with my family and friends. They should stand me in good stead for applying for university in the coming year. I’ve valued the support at RGC through the exam process. Teachers offered extra revision sessions, lunchtime study clubs, and extra materials were posted on Google Classroom during study leave and these really helped me. After my final year at school I would like to go to university. I am considering university and course options including Marketing Management as well as Law and English in Scotland and England."

Future Pathways: Sisters drum their way through exam years