Since we began Digital Education for our Nursery children back in March, we have been amazed and delighted with the amount of work, photographs and videos that are shared on a daily basis with the Nursery Team. The sheer volume of happy and smiling faces is very heartening indeed. 

The children have been busy practising their fine motor skills by cutting, drawing, painting and using chalks. The pictures and photographs uploaded for us to enjoy and respond to have been a revelation in creativity and fun. There have been many beautifully written posters for the different sounds we have been learning. We were especially pleased to see that many of the letters were so carefully and correctly formed. A tripod grip was very evident! We were delighted to see so many of our children engaging in the careful drawing of daffodils. It was certainly very inspiring to see so many beautiful, colourfully symmetrical butterflies being shared with us, in our study of what makes a shape symmetrical. Looking for 2D and 3D shapes as part of a shape hunt was an activity the children seemed to thoroughly enjoy. Who knew there were so many 3D shapes lurking in cupboards and outside in our gardens? 

We have continued to enjoy story time together on a daily basis courtesy of Google Meet. Each  member of the team takes it in turn to host our afternoon story time. This has been a great way to keep in touch with all of our children and still afford us the opportunity to read to our children and share our favourite books and authors.

Google Meet has proved to be invaluable for keeping in touch with our girls and boys. It has allowed our children a daily chance to meet with Staff and their peers. Although the children can sometimes be a little too shy to speak, even just seeing and listening to each other is important for their health and well-being. We are still all here, albeit in our own homes. 

We are grateful to our parents for responding to our Nursery plans and for sharing their child’s responses to them. Being able to still engage with the girls and boys of Nursery during these difficult days and months has been incredibly uplifting for us all. 

Mrs Kinsey

Nursery News