Robin Macpherson, Head of College, hosted the fourth webinar in the RGC Impact Series this week, focussing on Neurodiversity and what we can all do to unlock potential. 

Robin led the conversation with our incredible panel including former pupil Katharine Descamps, Class of ‘95, from BP’s neurodiversity global network which is championing change and Colin Foley, training director of the ADHD Foundation.

During the webinar Robin shared: “In schools all staff do understand that they need to upskill in this area and they need to be aware of the needs of all the pupils in the classroom. This is one of the most positive changes that I have seen in education and it’s headed in the right direction.”

Colin explained: “Our work is rooted in what teachers can do tomorrow in your classroom with the space that you have, the number of pupils, and the course you have to deliver. It’s not asking you to do something more. It’s about changing and adapting what you are doing within the conditions that you have.”

Katharine Descamps illustrated that: “Neurodiversity can bring many sought after skills that we often underestimate or don’t focus on. That can be creativity, problem solving, visual and spatial thinking, long term memory, big picture thinking, public speaking, attention to detail and hyperfocus. It is about changing the narrative. Too often we focus on the deficit or lack of skills in some of our neurodivergent colleagues and we need to focus on the skills they can bring.” 

To learn more about the panel's thoughts watch the recording below.

To keep up to date and register for future events visit the Alumni Events section of our website.

Useful Resources: 

  • Learning from Autistic Teachers How to Be a Neurodiversity Inclusive School, edited by Dr Rebecca Wood
  • From Emotions to Advocacy by Pam Wright & Pete Wright

RGC Impact Series: Neurodiversity Webinar - Unlocking Potential