Robert Gordon’s College has appointed Craig McLeod as Director of Sport, a new year round role leading the College’s vision for sport. Following the development of the RGC 3:18 pathway, Craig will focus on the delivery of different sporting options available to pupils as they build on their participation in physical activity at Robert Gordon’s. The vision includes establishing new regional and national partnerships to benefit our sporting ambitions and the development of new sports facilities to widen the schools offer for sport.

Robin Macpherson, Head of College shares: “We are delighted to announce Craig McLeod’s appointment to this key role for the College. In the coming years, our aim is to expand the delivery of our 3:18 pathway for sport to provide opportunities for every age and stage of school, increasing the opportunities for our youngest learners and offering more diverse opportunities for our senior pupils. Working with the RGC Sport team and our new Head of PE, Nicola Stephen, together they will take on the challenge to develop a sporting culture at Robert Gordon’s where all pupils can embrace a lifelong enjoyment in physical activity, and performance sport is supported from both within and outside school.”

Craig McLeod, Director of Sport says: “I am excited to return to my former school where sport was a major part of my school life. My ambition is for Robert Gordon’s to be recognised as sector leading in our delivery of sport. Building a strong culture of excellence for co-curricular sport, before and after school, will be important progress for us to increase the variety of sport available and the levels of pupil participation.

“My ultimate goal is for pupils to be physically literate and active, understanding the importance of being healthy and enjoying physical activity. The importance of role models inside school, from the wider Gordonian community and our sports partnerships will become part of the RGC Sport programme to enhance the learning experience alongside our sports team of teachers and coaches. Our role is to help pupils to follow their sports pathway that emphasises excellence in performance and participation, instilling lifelong involvement and a passion for sport.”

Having attended Robert Gordon’s College as a pupil, Craig joined the Junior School  in Primary 1 in 2001,  leaving RGC in S6 as part of the Class of 2014. He then went on to study BSc in Sport Studies, Physical Education and Professional Education, followed by MSc Sports Performance Coaching at the University of Stirling. During his time as a pupil at Robert Gordon’s College, Craig developed a passion for sport and remained a part of the sporting community as a part-time Rugby Coach and PE Teaching Assistant after he left school. During S6, he completed his UKCC level 1 in Rugby Coaching and has since worked in coaching and development positions with Deeside Rugby FC, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen Grammar, Stirling County RFC and Gordonian RFC.

Whilst studying for his BSc, Craig gained further qualifications in rugby, basketball and badminton. On completion of his teaching qualification, Craig spent a year teaching PE at New Battle School in Edinburgh. It was during his MSc in Sports Performance Coaching from the University of Stirling that Craig founded Apex Rugby Academy where he leads a team of over 40 part time staff offering young rugby players high-quality, accessible opportunities to take their performance to the next level within 16 communities across Scotland.

Looking at international best practice, Craig has recently undertaken internships with US based rugby clubs learning from Rugby New York, Los Angeles Gitlinis, San Diego Legion and Chicago Hounds.

RGC appoint new Director of Sport