Donor Charter

Robert Gordon’s College (RGC) has an impressive long standing history of giving back to the community of the North East of Scotland and resonates with the tradition on which it was founded over 250 years ago. It is our strong belief that a Robert Gordon's education should be accessible to boys and girls from across the North East of Scotland from a variety of backgrounds. 

Today the College’s philanthropic ethos continues the tradition set out by Robert Gordon, with 1 in 7 of our Senior School pupils supported by our bursary programme. At Robert Gordon’s College traditional values are combined with high quality teaching in a world class school with a strong focus on Creativity, Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Sport which in equal measure we aim to provide high quality teaching facilities to pupils in both the city centre Schoolhill campus, and our outdoor sports facilities at Countesswells Sports Fields providing pupils with a vast variety of sporting and wellbeing opportunities. 

Over the last two decades, philanthropic gifts have made a significant contribution to the strategic aims and objectives of the College which include the success of the bursary programme and the development of the campus today. 

RGC greatly values the generosity of its donor community who together have helped foster the development of a world-class school. The College is committed to treat all donations, gifts and bequests with the highest level of care, integrity and accountability supporting the charitable aims of the College whilst adhering to the highest professional standards at all times. Robert Gordon’s College adheres to the following Donor Charter:

  • Inform our donors about the College’s priorities and its strategic aims and objectives.

  • Ensure that a gift given for a specific purpose will be used for that purpose.

  • We will provide a clear explanation of how donors can make a gift and change or stop a regular donation.

  • Inform donors of the way RGC intends to use gifts, and the College’s commitment to using gifts effectively for their intended purposes.

  • Inform donors when the intended purpose of a gift can no longer be fulfilled due to charitable legislation or due to a change in the priorities or needs of RGC. In such cases, the Development Team will discuss with the donor their gift and how best their wishes can continue to be met.

  • Updates of the impact of their philanthropy, e.g., the award of a scholarship or bursary that they have funded, and to have agreed compliance and reporting commitments honoured.

  • Keep donors updated about the evolving needs and priorities of RGC.

  • To have their donation acknowledged in a timely manner, and where appropriate to be publicly recognised in consultation with RGC, or to remain anonymous if requested.

  • To have their questions relating to their donation answered in a timely and honest manner.

  • If you do not want to give or wish to cease giving, we will respect your decision.

  • To have their right to privacy respected and their personal information to be treated in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation. For more information, please visit our full privacy notice.

  • To have access to RGC’s latest published accounts.

Further Information

Further information on our full Fundraising and Gift Acceptance Policy is available from the Development Team, email: or telephone +44 (0)1224 606133.